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Do you see children and adolescents?Yes, I love working with children and adolescents. Our children are being born with a thinner veil and are able to be more tuned in to the spirit world than previous generations. It can be a challenge to parent a wise soul who is struggling with life on planet earth. Often times they get labeled as having behavior or emotional problems. I use cognitive somatic energy practices to assist with moving out stuck energy and bringing them back into balance. I like to work with parents as well to assist them in incorporating these practices into everyday life. Or perhaps your child is doing well but you want to explore how to most effectively nurture their unique greatness without inadvertently stifling their soul. Society tends to program the truth of our divine nature out of us at a young age, but you can override this with conscious parenting. Feel free to text or email me to set up a free 15 minute consult to discuss what you're looking for and to see if I am a good fit.
Do you accept insurance?I am in the process of getting credentialed to accept insurance for the in-person counseling sessions. In the meantime, I am accepting self-pay clients. Jenny at 360 Therapy Associates can help you with any questions you may have. You can reach her at 701-501-7449 or by going to their website to send a message: (may need to copy and paste)
Do you provide telehealth counseling services?Yes, if you are an adult North Dakota resident. Please contact Jenny at 360 Therapy associates for more information. You can reach her at 701-541-7449 or by going to their website: (may need to copy and paste):
What is the Emotional Freedom Technique?We are energetic beings. Everything that happens to us and around us affects us energetically. When energy is not flowing as it should it results in imbalances which can lead to negative thinking and beliefs, anxiety, depression, inability to cope, physical illness, relationship problems, and repeating unhelpful patterns. EFT is a mind-body approach that uses acupressure/tapping on the end points of the body's Meridians. Laura taps on her body and the client mirrors Laura's gentle movements to tap on their own body. This is a quick and easy method and once practiced in session Laura provides a detailed summary sheet so the client has the ability to use this process on their own time to clear emotional distress, trauma, physical pain, etc. You can read more about EFT and the research here: (may need to copy and paste)
Are you a certified EFT practitioner?No, not yet. I have taken a 15.5 hour course on using EFT to treat clients therapeutically and am currently enrolled in an EFT Professional Skills course offered by the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology. This course is part of the curriculum required for their Professional EFT Practitioner Certification Program. One need not be certified to practice EFT as it is not regulated, however it is important to me to continue to hone my skills which is why I'm working toward certification.
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